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Want to relax?  Care to be hypnotized?  Follow my voice into deep relaxation.  This is a hypnotic relaxation recording free to use for personal, non-commercial purposes. 

Original content by Robert Dedich with music by music


Chronic Pain Treatment Through Hypnosis
This is a link to the original article published by Gary Elkins, Texas A & M University College of Medicine and Scott and White Clinic and Hospital, Temple, Texas, USA;

From the abstract: "This article reviews controlled prospective trials of hypnosis for the treatment of chronic pain. Thirteen studies, excluding studies of headaches, were identified that compared outcomes from hypnosis for the treatment of chronic pain to either baseline data or a control condition. The findings indicate that hypnosis interventions consistently produce significant decreases in pain associated with a variety of chronic-pain problems..."

As we all know, sometimes things posted to the internet disappear.  I have copied the article in full and it can be found here...  

PTSD Relief for Combat Vets Through Hypnosis

"This trial for combat veterans suffering from PTSD has proven that clinical hypnotherapy is effective as a method to help sufferers diminish their symptoms, and understand the root causes of how they feel; allowing each person to investigate their own memories and emotions, to get a greater understanding of the impact of incidents upon them." - By MYNDS UK Written by Sarah Yuen Gilliat RCH, GQHP, GHR Reg, CNHC Reg.

This study gives hope to those struggling with PTSD.  First Responders, Combat Veterans, Trauma Survivors of all kinds can benefit from hypnotherapy.  Removing the emotional impact of traumatic events and being able to live with them without having them drive us can mean the difference between life and death.

For further information on how Hypnosis works with PTSD, please follow this link for one of the best written articles I have read:  Hypnosis and PTSD by Chris Lemig


Relaxation Script
This original script I offer for free was created for relaxation, personal empowerment, and help with getting un-stuck.  It was created with the help and influence of some amazing hypnotists including Erika Flint, Cal Banyan, Igor Ledochowski, and Marc Anthony, among others ... <Relaxation Script>

Intro to Relaxation by New Direction HypnosisNew Direction Hypnosis, Robert Dedich
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